Sunday, November 27, 2011

Robert Shiller reminds us about ..... jobs

Robert Shiller (see here) has a very timely essay today that I hope many people read.  He addresses the lack of political will to do much of anything about the continuing jobs crisis.  Below is a part of his essay that should make us all pause:

As anger rises in today’s economy, I’m reminded of Thomas Jefferson’s words about the danger of “angry passions” arising between the North and South over the question of extending slavery to the Missouri territory. In an 1820 letter he wrote that “this momentous question, like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror.” He went on to predict, from his observations of such rancor, the secession of the South that was to come 40 years later.

Our country is a much more stable and just society now than it was in 1820. Still, we should regard the current economic dispute as another fire bell in the night. It is important to recreate the sense of a just society, without anger — and an important step in that direction is to ensure that there are enough jobs.

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